
Biotium/AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution/31008T/trialsize

时间: 1518844760 来源: 苏州蚂蚁淘 阅读 (14)
The AccuBlue™  High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit offers sensitive and selective detection of purified dsDNA samples with minimal effects from common contaminants. The assay provides a  with sufficient reagents to perform 1000 assays based on a 96-well microplate format.

The AccuBlue™  High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit offers sensitive and selective detection of purified dsDNA samples with minimal effects from common contaminants. The assay provides a  with sufficient reagents to perform 1000 assays based on a 96-well microplate format. AccuBlue™ High Sensitivity Quantitation Solution also is available with pre-diluted DNA standards (Catalog #31006).

The assay is compatible with microplate readers, spectrofluorometers and hand-held minifluorometers. Note that while the assay is spectrally compatible with Qubit® fluorometers from Thermo Fisher, it may not be compatible with the high sensitivity dsDNA program on all Qubit® models (see our DNA Quantitation FAQs for more information). For the Qubit® we recommend our AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity Kit (cat. no. 31066), which was specially formulated for that instrument.


  • linear detection range from 0.2 – 100 ng
  • λExEm 485/530 nm
  • Safer than PicoGreen® or Quant-iT® dsDNA detection kits: the high sensitivity reagent is impermeable to cell membranes

Other DNA Quantitation Kits:

dsDNA Quantitation KitLinear detection range (dsDNA in assay)Ex/Em (nm)Features
AccuBlue™ NextGen1 pg*-3 ng468/507Quantitation of extremely precious or dilute samples. Optimal for sensitive applications such as NGS or digital PCR. *Limit of detection in the range of 1 pg to 5 pg depending on instrument sensitivity.
AccuClear™ Ultra High Sensitivity30 pg-250 ng468/507This kit offers great sensitivity and the widest linear range.

AccuBlue™ High Sensitivity0.2-100 ng485/530Quantitation of dsDNA from 0.2-100 ng, with a safer, membrane impermeable DNA dye.
AccuGreen™ High Sensitivity0.1-100 ng502/523Quantitation of DNA using the Qubit® fluorometer from Thermo Fisher.
AccuBlue™ Broad Range2-2000 ng350/460For quantitation of high concentration DNA in a broad linear range with blue fluorescence. Assay can be extended to 4000 ng with minor loss of linearity.

AccuBlue™ technology is covered by granted U.S. and international patents.


1. BMC Oral Health (2014), doi: 10.1186/1472-6831-14-157

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